SDCWGA © All Rights Reserved.
Online Event Registration Information
When registering online, SDCWGA tournament and event participants will create an online account using their new SDCWGA/GHIN number and their last name. New Participants will create an Online Profile which will give them a username and password to access their account again in the future. Once registered with an account, players will be able to register for tournaments, withdraw from tournaments, create and update player bio information and post a profile picture. When registering for tournaments online, all payments must be made by credit card.
It is important that tournament players provide and update SDCWGA with accurate contact information (e-mail, address and telephone/cell phone numbers). Tournament confirmations, player information and pairings will be sent to players by e-mail.
Entry fees cover various costs, including green fees for the event. Any costs not covered by the entry fee will be the responsibility of the player.
SDCWGA reserves the right to refuse entries at any time. By entering an SDCWGA event all participants agree that there are certain risks inherent in the game of golf and accept personal and sole liability for all such risks, including, but not limited to, any health-related risks.
By submitting an entry for any SDCWGA administered competition, the entrant understands that her participation is at the sole discretion of SDCWGA. A participant may be removed from any competition at the discretion of the SDCWGA Rules Committee or Board of Directors at any time before or during the competition. See Code Of Conduct.
All players must be amateurs and members of a SDCWGA member clubs or Limited Members. Membership dues for Limited Members must be paid/postmarked or processed at least 15 days prior to the opening date of any Association event.
Members must have a current and valid USGA handicap index to be eligible to win an award in a SDCWGA-sponsored event.