SDCWGA © All Rights Reserved.

A Golf Organization Created by Women Golfers for Women Golfers

Pace of Play

Our ultimate goal is to provide a positive tournament experience for our participants, and we believe efficient pace of play contributes largely to that objective.  In order to change a culture of deliberate play there has to be incentive for players to want to play fast, walk faster between shots and keep up with the group in front of them. The incentive behind this policy is that penalty strokes will be assessed if participants do not play within this policy’s parameters.

Any group will be considered out of position if it is taking more than an average of 15 minutes to complete a hole, or reaches the tee of a par 3 hole and the preceding group has cleared the next tee, or reaches the tee of a par 4 hole and the putting green is clear, or reaches the tee of a par 5 hole when the preceding group is on the putting green.  The player is expected to play any stroke within 40 seconds after she has had a reasonable opportunity to reach her ball.  Time spent determining yardage will count as part of the time taken for the next stroke.  If a ruling or some other legitimate delay occurs, which causes the group to lose its position, that group is expected to regain its position with reasonable time.

Pace of play penalties
1st offense = a warning
2nd offense = 1 stroke penalty
3 offense = additional 2 stroke penalty
4 offense = disqualification

Allotted time for turning in completed scorecards.
Prior to the start of each stipulated round the allotted time for turning in your completed scorecard to the scorers table will be announced.  Failure to turn in your completed scorecard within the allotted time may result in disqualification.  Extenuating circumstances will be considered.